Series: Romani Realms
Title: Released
Author: Mia Fox
Page Count: 315
First sentence: Sometimes one must take drastic measure when their own survival is at stake.
My Review
Released is a fantasy novel.
I read this book because my friend was reading it and I wanted to read it with her.
The main plot is for the main character, Suki, to understand why her Releasors had Released her, and also to stop her enemies, Raven and Phineas, from getting what they wanted.
I liked Suki because she's really protective and is a Genie. She got along really well with the other characters in the book, and didn't keep her past secret. I didn't like Suki because she always believed she knew better, and I felt she pushed things upon her Releasors really fast.
I liked this book because it was an idea I hadn't thought about before; Genies and their Releasors. I also liked it because there was just the right hint of mystery and romance. I didn't like it because Suki's Releasors accepted her story and the fact that she was a Genie really easily. There could have been a bit more resistance.
This book is going to be published this year. I got it from Netgalley so it's not been published yet.
Overall, I recommend this book for fans of fantasy and fast-paced books.
I give it a 4/5.